Class Of 1971
Marilyn Taylor Cerino
Marilyn's Latest Interactions
Posted on: Apr 08, 2024 at 12:09 PM
Happy Birthday. I hear the moon is also celebrating with an eclipse Can't believe we are this old and alive Wishing you a great year
Happy birthday my friend.
Hi Wendy.
My husband and I recently sold our house and are living temporarily in an apartment next to Holy Redeemer Hospital. while unpacking I found my CHS box of stuff. Amazing the things I kept that I thought were so important. Got rid of almost all of it except for my Gold C.. I looked at the video again of our majorettes and I must say, you were a darn good twirler.
Congratulations on the birth of both of your gorgeous grandchildren. I hope you and your family are all well. We are so far and almost enjoying our "sheltering in place"
Write me sometime at I'd love to hear from you.
Marilyn Taylor Cerino
Posted on: Apr 04, 2020 at 11:38 PM
Hey Marshall
I hope you are well and continue to be. Amazing times we live--but I guess every generation can say that. My husband Ralph and I still live in Abington--never thought I would return to the area after my travels etc. I do hope you have a great birthday--good wishes. Marilyn Taylor Cerino
Posted on: Apr 04, 2018 at 11:13 AM
Happy Birthday Michael. Hope all is well with you. Marilyn Taylor Cerio
Happy Birthday. I remember an overnight sleep party at your house. I think it was for your birthday. But, I'm old. Who can tell what I remember except that you were a good friend to me. Marilyn Cerino
Who would have thought we would be in the 55+ group? Many good wishes to you. Marilyn Taylor Cerino
Posted on: Jul 14, 2014 at 2:16 PM
hi marilyn, i keep asking the cirino['s that i know if they new you... was trying to find you. how are you doing? im in willow grove... jeannette tarlo fatiga...
Hi Marilyn, just noticed you've added your profile. Did you see our video? We were too cute (and very serious!) - CHS Majorettes
Posted on: Apr 09, 2014 at 12:56 PM
So folks
I can't believe I am considered "elderly". I work in hospice now as a liaison with physicians, hospitals, community, and families. My principal role is education and helping to put hospice services in place for those eligible people. I know it is a scary word but please take the time to educate yourselves, or contact me, regarding what hospice really is. It is a gift to families, patients, and their loved ones. I have not encountered anyone who has not said to me they wished they had engaged hospice sooner. We are all at an age where we are providing care to loved ones who are in the final stage of living and want them to live the best they can in comfort. So, when I have asked myself what is my footprint in this life, I do believe that my education, experiences and message that I want to leave behind is to continue to learn----educate yourself about what hospice is and consider it a gift we give to ourselves and the people we care about